S.R. Lee

  • Author
  • Book Reviewer
  • Story Editor
  • Library Advocate

A science fiction author with an emphasis on disability and mental health lived experience for both YA and NA, S.R. Lee is also a library advocate, book reviewer, Futurescapes alum, and former film executive. She left Hollywood to write books in the PNW with 2 cats, 1 husband, and all the trees.

A drawing of a tardigrade wearing a bubble-style space helmet and a jet pack. Jets are coming out of the pack and streaks around the tardigrade indicate it's moving quickly.

A photo of me. I have short hair and am wearing multicolored scarf over a blue top. I'm looking at the camera and smiling slightly.

I’ve been writing since I could string together a sentence. There are photos of me at age seven or eight reading a thesaurus for fun. I dabbled in poetry, photography, graphic design, film-making, and song-writing—even getting a multi-media degree—but I always came back to my love of prose. A good story can change the world. Good stories kept me safe, helped me heal from childhood trauma, and taught me how to be brave. When I realized I’d rather write the book than work on the movie, I focused all my attention on becoming an author. Science fiction drew me in because it can show us what the world could be, and I wanted that to be a place filled with hope.

CURRENT WIP: “SILO x CHILDREN OF TIME & Scavengers Reign on an Arctic Moon: To save her ableist, arctic moon colony from dying, 18yo Ice Guard Mye Su risks life & status by using invisible disabilities to negotiate with sentient fungus—even if needing help from people, bots, spores, & giant tardigrades seriously chaps her ass—& learns to accept herself.”

A drawing of three mushrooms with pointed caps and skinny stalks are entwined. Their hyphae are visible at the base of their stalks. Portions of their gills are visible beneath their caps.

News & Media

A black and white pen and ink illustration. A fountain pen nib makes the body of a rocketship. It has sharp wings on either side and a big rocket booster at the bottom. Black, white, and grey ink clouds jet from the booster and black ink drip from the rocket as it flies off towards the right-hand side of the screen.

Coming Soon!