S.R. Lee
A science fiction author with an emphasis on disability and mental health lived experience for both YA and NA, S.R. Lee is also a library advocate, book reviewer, Futurescapes alum, and former film executive. She left Hollywood to write books in the PNW with 2 cats, 1 husband, and all the trees.

I’ve been writing since I could string together a sentence. There are photos of me at age seven or eight reading a thesaurus for fun. I dabbled in poetry, photography, graphic design, film-making, and song-writing—even getting a multi-media degree—but I always came back to my love of prose. A good story can change the world. Good stories kept me safe, helped me heal from childhood trauma, and taught me how to be brave. When I realized I’d rather write the book than work on the movie, I focused all my attention on becoming an author. Science fiction drew me in because it can show us what the world could be, and I wanted that to be a place filled with hope.